The white paper from the American Society For Health Care Risk Management entitled “Recognizing and Managing Bias in the Ambulatory Health Care Setting”  focuses on assisting health care organizations understand the definition and impact of unconscious and implicit biases on health care delivery and patient safety across various care settings.

A list of the specific implicit biases is included that commonly occur in health care, either individually or in any combination that begins on page 1 and the inclusion of scenarios that reflect the personal and professional experiences of subject-matter experts.

Access this and other white papers in the New Diversity White Paper Series online at The Recognizing and Managing Bias white paper series uses real world scenarios to illustrate common biases present in health care settings. Health care risk managers are uniquely placed to implement strategies and best practices at their health care organization. Proactive educational measures paired with monitoring tactics such as identification, assessment and mitigation can improve patient safety and increase positive patient outcomes.

Create an account with ASHRM Member to access the series.