After extensive polling of its investors and local industry players, Health Enterprises Network has released the “Louisville Map of Health-Related Companies (the Network Map),” an illustrative document depicting the interaction between companies involved in the local healthcare sector. Displaying over 1400 points of connection between 450 health and health-related companies, the Network Map is a tool used in attraction and retention pitches, applications for grant and research funding, and community partnership conversations that fuel the economic growth of the region’s health care sector.

Harnessing Louisville’s Historical Strengths

The Network Map includes the first-ever recorded compilation of the city’s health care history, laying out the story of health care excellence in Louisville through a timeline from the city’s origin to its modern-day evolution into the aging care epicenter of the nation.

“Creating a compelling narrative of Louisville’s historic strengths in health and aging care is essential to fostering future growth and attraction in the sector,” explained David Buschman, Managing Director of Health Enterprises Network. “The ‘Louisville Map of Health-Related Companies’ is a much-needed component in Louisville’s unified economic development toolbox. It’s an opportunity to come together to celebrate the city’s long history of health-related excellence and showcase the present-day connectivity of local ecosystem.”

Future Growth Through Connectivity

Local leaders, sector contributors and interested members of the community gathered together to get a first look at the Network Map at an unveiling event on March 7, 2019. Featured presenter, Bruce Lunsford, Chairman & CEO of Lunsford Capital, and Founder, former Chairman, President & CEO of Vencor, Inc. (now known as Kindred Healthcare) shared his distinguished experience in Louisville’s health care industry. Mr. Lunsford highlighted the importance of big business taking on an “entrepreneurial spirit” to fuel innovation and encouraged business leaders to get engaged with small business and local startups.

Click here to view the “Louisville Map of Health-Related Companies”