On Tuesday, March 19th, the Louisville Entrepreneurship Acceleration Partnership (LEAP) and Techstars presented a “Deep-Dive on Louisville’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem” at a community-wide event.
The event presented the results of a month-long “boots on the ground” assessment of the Louisville startup ecosystem by Techstars. The assessment used the lens of Techstars’ startup ecosystem development model- with a focus on attitudes, actors and activities- to provide a current snapshot and future roadmap to help entrepreneurs and innovators grow and thrive in the Greater Louisville region. The results of the assessment are available to view here.
Read more about the event from LEAP’s CEO, Patrick Henshaw.
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More about Louisville Entrepreneurship Acceleration Partnership (LEAP)
The Louisville Entrepreneurship Acceleration Partnership, or LEAP, is a collaborative effort to leverage Louisville’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, including its dominance in the healthcare sector, for significant national impact. LEAP is led by entrepreneurs whose goals are to strengthen the innovation ecosystem in the region.
The power-house partners behind LEAP are the University of Louisville, Louisville Healthcare CEO Council, XLerateHealth and Greater Louisville Inc.’s EnterpriseCorp. LEAP is powered by the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. Learn more.
More about Techstars read-out on Louisville
In collaboration with the Louisville Entrepreneurship Acceleration Partnership (LEAP), Techstars has been working in Louisville over the past month to learn as much as possible about the community’s entrepreneurial ecosystem through 60+ stakeholder interviews, 75+ survey responses, and extensive secondary research.
The Techstars model does not prescribe a general playbook in the communities it supports. Instead, it builds a living roadmap based on the voices, experiences, and insights uncovered during the assessment. Everyone in a community has an important part to play. But thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems are led by entrepreneurs, and when entrepreneurs win, everyone can win.
The roadmap will evolve over time, in partnership with LEAP and any community member who raises their hand to support the community’s growth, and will focus on activities that will best serve Louisville’s startup ecosystem.
Learn more about Techstars here.
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